• Ethnographic Research allows you to become a “fly on the wall” to watch, listen and learn. By observing behaviors you develop a deeper understanding of consumer’s unarticulated needs. Immersing yourself in the consumer’s environment provides a deep dive into how the consumer thinks, acts and feels.
  • Shopper Shadows and Shop-Alongs allow the researcher to observe consumers and develop a deeper understanding of motivations and influences within the retail environment. This powerful technique helps describe the consumer shopping experience and identify opportunities to improve engagement at the point-of-purchase.
  • In-Home Interviews and Observational Research are a unique technique to help expand the context of consumer findings. Combining traditional qualitative and ethnographic research conducting interviews in a consumer’s home can increase the comfort level of the respondent while also allowing the researcher to develop a more thorough understanding of the situation (e.g., how a product is used, stored, etc.).
  • Mom Meetings typically take place in the home and gather a social network of moms (i.e., friends who frequently interact) to discuss a brand, service or issue. These groups can provide a great deal of insight as it provides an understanding of how peers interact and discuss common challenges.